Below you’ll find some of our most popular equestrian services.
If the service you’re looking for isn’t on the list below, give us a call on 01664 900044, and we’ll do our best to help:
- Manege construction & refurbishment
- Stable bases
- Sand turnout/exercise arenas
- Crew yards
- Paddock Maintenance
- Chain Harrowing
- Rolling
- Re-seeding
- Aerating
- Flail Mowing/topping
- Mucking out
- Surface levelling
- Topdressing/Spreading
- Spraying
- Drainage
- Fencing
Manege construction & refurbishment
Over 25 years of experience in constructing horse arenas, we specialise in small to medium size outdoor equine arena installations and refurbishment within 25 miles of Melton Mowbray. We have a dedicated team equipped with the latest equipment and training to ensure every aspect of your project is to the highest of standards. We are the best company to complete your perfect arena, with an eye for detail and value for money a top priority. We offer dedicated advice from our time served experienced staff.
Talk to us to find out how we can help you with your exciting project. Call our friendly team on 01664 900044 to find out more or contact us here.
Paddock Maintenance
This includes mowing, flailing, harrowing, spreading, rolling, aerating, levelling, spraying, and weed control.
Chain Harrowing – Regular harrowing rakes out the dead thatch and stimulates your paddocks growth; it also adds light, air, water, and nutrients to your soil down to root level for healthy growth. It is a simple and economical way to level and scarify. Something your horse can benefit from too, yum, yum…
Rolling – this is perfect for levelling the soft, uneven ground and also useful in re-seeding worn areas.
Aerating – Where grassland has been compacted or waterlogged, it will require levelling to bring it back into condition. Aerating will puncture compacted areas allowing air and water to penetrate down to the roots, which will boost plant productivity. It also aids natural drainage. Especially useful to transform heavily used areas of ground such as gateways.
Flailing/topping – with regular mowing, grass quality can be managed and improved, keeping weeds under control — flail mowing to cut denser material such as overgrown pastures, shrubs, brambles, hedges, etc. Topping is ideal for lighter regular use in paddocks. We use floatation wheels for soft ground if needed.
Levelling – Surface grading can be used to level many types of manege surfaces which pulls compacted material separates it and keeps it rolling along, to create a perfect surface fit for your prized pony.
Mucking out – sometimes, the job is just too big, and it’s better to get a contractor in. We use tractor, trailers, and skid steers to move your muck, quickly and efficiently.
Topdressing/spreading/seeding/spraying – using fertilisers and minerals are essential to help improve your grazing. If you have severe paddock damage, then we recommend re-seeding it; if it is worn down, then overseeding may be the answer. Seeding typically needs to be done between April and September.
In short, a little attention now and then will pay high dividends in the future! Get in touch
Seasonal Maintenance
SPRING – From March onwards:
- Harrow, re-seed and roll
- Rest paddocks that will be used for growing hay
- Weed control
- Lay grass matting/woodchip or gravel to gateways
- Fertilize
- Spreading
- Dress surfaces
SUMMER – Late spring/early summer:
- weed control
- Top the grass/mow
- harrowing and rolling
- Hay crop can be cut and baled
- Aerate
- Ditching and Drainage
- Continue to control weeds
- Plant hedges/trees
- Ditching and drainage
- Lay stone in gateways
- Hedge cutting and maintenance of boundaries
- Fencing