June – The Month of Midsummer At BTAC, me and the team are busy throughout the year with the turning of each season. If our agricultural contracting work ever relents, then this is when our groundswork side of the business tends to pick up. That said, it is in the month of June that I...
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May – The Arrival of Summer and Time to Plan Ahead The arrival of May Day is usually – although not exclusively in the East Midlands, it should be said – associated with the arrival of better weather, higher temperatures and with plants bursting into life as they prepare for the longer, hotter summer...
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BTAC’s Guide to Lawn Improvement I’ve done my fair share of work on lawns of all types over the years – including my own! As an experienced sub-contractor in sports field and agricultural management, I’ve also carried out plenty of jobs that have either been focussed on improving pasture or things like football...
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Since January is a month of renewal, I thought it would be a good idea to write about grounds maintenance. At BTAC, we do a lot of work with preparing ground for new sheds, warehouses, barns and other agricultural buildings, but we also undertake maintenance work in this area, too, especially when the land has...
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The winter solstice falls on Monday, 21st December this year. It is a turning point for many of us who go about our business in the fields and hedgerows of England. Of course, as you are probably already aware, we are not just agricultural contractors at BTAC. We work right through the winter with the...
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Fall Back – Trick or Treat! It’s that time of year again, the clocks have gone back and we are no longer in British Summer Time, the kids are thinking of Halloween, albeit with Tier 2 restrictions, whilst at BTAC, we are still working flat out as contractors in the equestrian, groundwork and agricultural sectors....
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Is the Autumn Only About Preparing For Winter? Although it can seem like it for many of the people we deal with in the agricultural sector, the autumn months are much more than making preparations for the onset of winter. That said, there are, of course, some key tasks that need to be started from...
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BTAC Invests At BTAC, we are always committed to offering our clients the very best services we can, I believe that forward-thinking companies should never stand still, in other words, if you can make improvements to your service offering, you should do so. That’s why we’ve recently taken the decision to invest in a...
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Hedge Cutting 2020 When July appears on the calendar it means that high summer has arrived at last. Of course, it also means that lots of things will be growing at their maximum rate. In turn, this causes a lot of problems with overgrown hedgerows which might not have been trimmed back for a year...
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The Challenges of Dry Weather There were 266 hours of sunny weather in May making it a record-breaker. I’ve had a look back at the records and the previous sunniest month on record in the UK was June of 1957. Anyone who works outside for a living will have noticed just how hot and sunny...
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